Earlier work
Text editor, Regaining momentum: critical negotiations for LDCs at COP28, by Anna Schulz and Madeleine Diouf Sarr, IIED, 2023.

Text editor, Offsetting Human rights: Sexual abuse and harassment at the Kasigau Corridor REDD+ Project in Kenya, by Maria Hengeveld, SOMO, 2023.

Presenter, ‘Live with an Expert’ session #3: Writing and Editing for International Development, Consult KM International, 2023.

Text editor, Equitable Sharing of Mining Profits: The Best Deal for Tanzania?, by Thomas Scurfield, Natural Resource Governance Institute, 2023.

Text editor, Stranded: Why Shell is unable to navigate the just transition trilemma, by Rodrigo Fernandez, Tobias J. Klinge, Nicolás Hernan Zeolla, Rodrigo Contreras Ramírez and Laura Deruytter, SOMO, 2023.

Text editor, Gender-Just Transitions – An Overview: Why economic transitions can only be just if we apply a gender equality lens, by Simon Anderson, Anna Carthy, May Thazin Aung and Tracy C. Kajumba (IIED), GIZ, 2023.

Text editor, Social protection in Indian cities: lessons from the pandemic, by the School of Human Development, Indian Institute for Human Settlements, IIED, 2023.

Co-author and editor for SOMO, Electronic Equipment Sector: Roadmap for Responsible Sourcing of Raw Materials until 2050, RE-SOURCING (Global Stakeholder Platform for Responsible Sourcing in Mineral Value Chains), 2023.

Text editor, Connecting the dots: Mapping references to fossil fuel production in national plans under the UNFCCC for the 2023 Global Stocktake, Stockholm Environment Institute, 2023.

Writer, Award-winning Fonkoze brings healthcare and hope to low-income Haitian communities, Oikocredit International, 2023.

Writer, Annual Report 2022: Making Water Count, Aqua for All, 2023.

Text editor for Consult KM International, Intersectoral Vulnerability Study: Living on Bare Minimum: An Exploration of the Vulnerability of Refugees in Türkiye, International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies and Turkish Red Crescent Society, 2023.

Text editor, Hides & hardship: Caste-based discrimination in the leather industry in India, Bangladesh, and Pakistan, Arisa and Together for Decent Leather, 2023.

Text editor, Leather from Bangladesh: Indecent work and hidden supply chains, by Martje Theuws, SOMO and Together for Decent Leather, 2022.

Text editor, City planning with displaced communities: the benefits of inclusion, by Samer Saliba, Nassim Majidi and Anna Walnyck, IIED, 2022.

Text editor, Thailand: Denying the demand for democracy, ARTICLE 19, #Free to Protest campaign, 2022.

Writer, NRGI Impact: Guinean Communities Benefit from Mining Revenues and Civil Society Capacity Building, Natural Resource Governance Institute, 2022.

Text editor, Kenya: Restricting the right to be heard, ARTICLE 19, #Free to Protest campaign, 2022.

Writer and researcher, Should do better: Anglo American’s mining operations and affected communities in Latin America, London Mining Network, 2022.

Text editor, (Re)claiming power in value chains: A guide for small-scale farmers and their advocates, IIED with WOLREC, CSRC and NACCFL, 2022.

Interviewer and writer, Celebrating 15 years with Oikocredit: interview with Caroline Mulwa, Oikocredit International, 2022.

Text editor, SOMO Annual Report 2021, SOMO, 2022.

Writer, Annual Report 2021: Making Water Count, Aqua for All, 2022.

Text editor, African timber cities: carbon sinks with development benefits?, by Mokena Makeka and Mudit Sharma, IIED, 2022.

Editorial reviewer, Corruption-Free Climate Finance: Strengthening multilateral funds, Transparency International, 2022.

Writer, Annual Report 2021: Rebuilding Together, Oikocredit International, 2022.

Text editor, Equity and Inclusion of Women-Owned Businesses in Public Procurement in South Africa, by Prof. Sope Williams-Elegbe, Open Contracting Partnership, 2021.

Text editor, The IIF & Debt Relief: How the Institute of International Finance Lobbies to Prevent Private Debt Relief for Developing Countries, by Myriam Vander Stichele, SOMO, 2021.

Co-researcher/writer, editor and project leader, In Search of Transparency: Ending Opacity in Brazil’s Extractive Sector – An action-research case study of the Minas-Rio iron ore mine, Publish What You Pay and IBASE (Brazil) 2021.

Writer, Annual Report 2020: We Are Making Water Count!, Aqua for All, 2021.

Co-researcher/writer, editor and project leader, ‘What’s in It for Us?’ An action-research case study of Nigeria’s extractive industries, Publish What You Pay, Policy Alert (Nigeria) and partners, 2021.

Co-researcher/writer, editor and project leader, Transparency, Participation and Accountability in Kazakhstan: An action-research case study of the extractive industry, Publish What You Pay, Oxfam France and partners, 2020.

Writer, Annual Report 2019: A Year of Renewal, Oikocredit International, 2020.

Writer, Tax and Transparency: How the Global Reporting Initiative tax disclosure standard compares with global extractives transparency standards, Publish What You Pay, 2020.

Writer, Annual Report 2019: We are Making Water Count!, Aqua for All, 2020.

Writer, Annual Report 2018: Strengthening our Focus, Oikocredit International, 2019.

Researcher/writer, Comparing UK EITI and mandatory payments to governments data for 2016: assessment report, Publish What You Pay UK, 2018.

Writer, AIM-traded mining companies and human rights, London Mining Network, 2018.

Writer, Social & Environmental Performance Report 2017: Focusing on people-centred sustainable development, Oikocredit International, 2018.

Writer, Social & Environmental Performance Report 2016: Strengthening People & Planet, Oikocredit International, 2017.

Editor, Securing Forest Peoples’ Rights and Tackling Deforestation in the Democratic Republic of Congo, Forest Peoples Programme, 2016.

Interview on Armenian state television about the Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative (EITI), 2016.

Panel speaker, Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative (EITI) Global Conference, Lima, Peru, 2016 (1 hr, 16 mins into recording).

Writer, Social Performance Report 2015: Delivering Sustainable Impact, Oikocredit International, 2016.

Writer, Annual Report 2015: Growth and Change, Oikocredit International, 2016.

Writer, Achieving Extractive Transparency in the European Union: Publish What You Pay’s Mandatory Disclosures Campaign, Publish What You Pay, 2015.

Co-writer/editor, Securing Forests, Securing Rights: Report of the International Workshop on Deforestation and the Rights of Forest Peoples, Forest Peoples Programme, 2014.

Writer, Social Performance Report 2013: Contributing to Social Change, Oikocredit International, 2014.

Writer, Bright Now: towards fossil free Churches, Operation Noah, 2013.

Writer, Mobilising natural resource revenues for development, Bond Networker magazine, 2013.

Lead writer, Submission to House of Commons International Development Committee on tax in developing countries, Publish What You Pay, 2012.

Writer, Oil Extraction in Lake Albert, briefing booklet, CAFOD/Trócaire Action for Better Governance Programme, 2012.